Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Five Graduates Named Byrd Scholars

A graduating senior from each of Fayette’s high schools has been selected to receive the nation’s only federally funded scholarship.

Amy Evans, Fayette County High; Courtney Simmonds, McIntosh High; Jaimie Little, Sandy Creek High; Kevin Harrell, Starr’s Mill High and Alyson Pigford, Whitewater High has been selected as 2008 Robert C. Byrd Honors Scholars.

The Byrd scholarship program is the only federally funded merit based scholarship program for college undergraduates. The program's purpose is to recognize outstanding academic achievement among high school seniors who show promise of continued excellence in postsecondary education.

Byrd Scholars receive a $1,500 yearly stipend, for a maximum of $6,000 over four years, to pay for college expenses.

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